Patience is a Virtue.

Patience with stupid questions, wrong directions, slow buses. Patience for when Michael doesn’t hear me and I have to repeat myself (which I hate). Patience for when I’m talking to him or asking him a question and he’s… Read More

Food for Thought: TRAVEL

Traveling: It’s not to say that traveling loses its allure, by any means. Traveling is in my soul and a big part of who I am. However, after traveling for an extended period of time, seeing amazing things… Read More

The Atacama Desert. Chile.

Valleys, Deserts, Geysers, and Sunsets.

Canyoneering Pucon.

Volcanos, Jumps, and Excitement

Exploring the Chilean Coast.

Valparaiso & Zapallar

Santiago. Chile.

A beautiful city of fun and friends.